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Best 5 Books to Read on Stock Market

Although there are tons of websites and almost millions of books available related to Top 10 Books on Stock Market. The very first thing to understand doesn’t accept every stock market advice that is available online.

With an abundance of information available online it is quite difficult to choose from different alternatives. Before entering into the stock market it is really important to understand the basics of the market otherwise this will lead to huge financial losses & also lead to a decline in the morale of investor.

However, for beginners and sometimes even for the seasoned investors, it’s really hard to find a decent book that can build good fundamental knowledge on stock market basics

Therefore, today I am going to tell you 5 must-read books for stock market investors which I personally read and applied in my career while giving stock market lectures and advice to investors.

In this post, I am giving you a brief introduction and a short review for each of the 5 must-read books or you can say top 5 books on stock market related to Investment & Trading Startegies. Let’s see it one by one:-

  1.  The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham

It is a widely acclaimed book by Benjamin Graham (mentor of the greatest investor of all-time- Warren Buffet) on value investing. Written by one of the greatest investment advisers of the twentieth century, the book covers:-

    • 3 principles to intelligent investing: analyse for the long term, protect yourself from losses, and don’t go for crazy profits.
    • Market and Margin of Safety for easy explanation of the market behaviour and risk management.
    • Stick to a strict formula by which you make all your investments, and you’ll do fine.

I will highly recommend to read this evergreen and classic book and learn many concepts of stock markets. Go to Amazon.in to buy this book using a link instead of investing time on Games & Netflix learn something productive.

2. The Warren Buffet Way - 3rd EDITION

      • Warren Buffett is the most famous investor of all time and one of today’s most admired business leaders. He became a billionaire and investment sage by looking at companies as businesses rather than prices on a stock screen.
      • The first two editions of The Warren Buffett Way gave investors their first in-depth look at the innovative investment and business strategies behind Buffett’s spectacular success.
      • The new edition updates readers on the latest investments by Buffett. And, more importantly, it draws on the new field of behavioural finance to explain how investors can overcome the common obstacles that prevent them from investing like Buffett.

    New Edition includes:-

      • How to think like a long-term investor – just like Buffett
      • Why “loss aversion”, the tendency of most investors to overweight the pain of losing money, is one of the biggest obstacles that investors must overcome.
      • Why behaving rationally in the face of the ups and downs of the market has been the key to Buffett’s investing success
      • Analysis of Buffett’s recent acquisition of H.J. Heinz and his investment in IBM stock.

    You can go to amazon.in using the link to buy this special book by the greatest investor of all-time Warren Buffet- Highly recommended.

    3. Learn To Earn – Peter Lynch & John Rothchild

    I will highly recommend you to read this book, as this book is written in simple language and people who are not even from commerce background can easily understand. This book gives you great insight about market, economy and capitalization.
    Learn to Earn - A Beginner's Guide to The Basics of Investing and Business was written to fulfil two reasons, one was to make sure that the 'rich get richer, poor get poorer' principle doesn't dwell in business for long. The second reason was to let the common people make a living out of associating with the brands they use every day.

    Key Features:

    • This book is relevant for ages ranging from high school students to retired professionals.
    • Be it creating your own investment opportunities or finding the ones most suited to you, this book brings to light mind-blowing facts you never knew could make you richer.

      In short, go to amazon.in  using this link and buy this book. This book needs to be in your hand if you want to learn all about stock investment basics from scratch.

      4. Beating the Street – Peter Lynch & John Rothchild

      Another classic book by Peter Lynch, a legendary former manager of Magellan Fund at the major investment brokerage Fidelity. He led Magellan to its position as America’s biggest mutual fund.

      Beating the Street is a rich knowledge bank, telling about how finance and investment works in reality. Peter Lynch and John Rothchild are known to carry a vast experience in investment decisions and their book is ideal for those looking for acquiring a big level of success in the stock markets.

      As per this book, “investing money in any company isn't a matter of luck and should not be played as a lottery game”. There is an in-depth thought process behind that and through this book, the authors help the readers know about picking companies which would prove to be worth investing their money in.

      Building an investment portfolio in its most profitable shape doesn't always need a hand-holding but once the skill of investing is learnt, the investors can research by themselves and acquire the necessary knowledge to succeed.

      Go now on amazon.in to buy this Cult Classic book on Investment in stock markets.

      5. Common Stocks And Uncommon Profits – Philip A. Fisher

      Widely respected and admired, Philip Fisher is among the most influential investors of all time.

      He is one of the successful investment legends of his time. This book was originally published in 1958. Warrant Buffet himself follows him and Benjamin Graham. Buffet said he is 85% Graham and 15% Fisher.

      In this book, Philip fisher described “WHAT TO BUY” for high-quality stocks where he called stocks as Scuttlebutt (those common stocks which are gone through detailed analysis).

      In short, this book attempt to show what to buy, when to buy and when to sell for those who want uncommon or high returns on their investments either in the short term or long term.

      Personally, it is my favourite book and I applied some of his strategies while managing portfolios of different investors.

      You can buy the book with the best price on Amazon.in using this link.



      1)    How to Make Money in Stocks by William J. O'Neil

      2)    Stocks to Riches – Parag Parikh

      3)    A Random Walk Down Wall Street

      4)    The Dhandho Investor by Mohnish Pabrai

      That’s all for this post. I hope this post is useful to the readers. If you think I missed any important book, feel free to comment below or review this post.

      Written By

      Bhuvnesh Chhabra

      Some Best Courses on Financial Market:

      1) Certification in Portfolio Management

      2) Certification in Candlesticks

      3) Certification in Mutual Funds Analysis

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