5 Best Ways to get selected in Job Interview

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If you think most hiring decisions are based on your qualifications and certifications only, then you better keep reading this article. There are various tenets to follow during your job interview because “First Impression is the Last Impression”.

Over the past 2 months, we had recruited lot of youngsters for Internship and Job and we are actually shocked to get the results:

  • 60% CVs were scrap
  • 10% candidates Forgot to bring their CV
  • 80% candidates don't know how to introduce themselves
  • 60% candidates don't know how to dress up for interview
  • 60% candidates don't bother about Professionalism of Replying to official mails
  • Need maximum stipend/salary for their 10% usable skills.
  • 30% asking for Jobs based upon some 4-5 hours short term certificate courses
  • 5% were Gems, they will do wonders in their life

We have jot down all points which will help you to avoid mistakes and bag your dream job/internship

1.     Read the Job Description

  • First & foremost thing candidate should read the Job Description like, Job title, Duties & Tasks, Skills Required.
  • Always prepare for Interview Question & Answers before hand with a proactive approach.
  • Don't make interview question & answer on the spot, as it will consume lot of time & will give unnecessary stress during the interview. 
  • Make 200% sure that you are well aware about the questions in interview which are generally asked by employers or HRs during an interview.
  • Always prepare an answer for why should we hire you? This is the most frequent question which asked in an interview with almost 80% of candidates.
  • Focus on the specific skills the employer is looking for. Quote him examples from your past & current work that align with these requirements.
  • For Example; if the Job Profile is for Sales and Marketing. Tell recruiters that you have worked in “XYZ Company” previously and generated sales for them. Able to convince people.

IMPORTANT POINT: Be clear in which field you want to go. Don’t be like “I want to go in Finance; I have interest in Finance despite having basic knowledge in Finance. Finance is a vast domain; decide which sub division you want to go. Explore it. Check whether the job description matches your interest or not. Don’t go with crowd. Be different, choose your career wisely.

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2.     Build up good resume

  • Make sure you have 100% knowledge about how to build resumes or how to prepare resume. If you haven't yet prepare resume don't wait to learn and explore many different ways to build professional resume.
  • Check various examples of resume from google and try to improvise your resume as per the industry standards.
  • Your resume gets you in the door, but how you interview determines whether you’re offered the job.
  • Make sure you have mentioned correct contact number & Email Id. We have seen many cases where the candidates put wrong details (might be by mistake it happens). So always glance  over your resume.
  • Two important things recruiter always look up to :
    • Skills
    • Achievements & Certifications
  • Mention skills in your CV which you genuinely posses. Avoid writing Skills like Quick Learner, Willingness and potential to learn, positive attitude towards life. No one is interested in this. Recruiter always expects what extra skills you have apart from others. What benefits you can give to the company, if they hire you.
  • Skills like – Good hands on MS Excel, Convincing Power, Something else which suits to that particular job profile.
  • If you have mentioned certification courses in your CV, make sure you remember what have you learnt throughout the course. As per our personal experience, mostly students come up with an excuse – “I don’t remember, it’s been so long”. This is where you add negative impact on recruiter. If you have spent the money on courses, make sure it turns out to be worthy for you.
  • Take Print Outs of your Resume on a good Colored Paper.
  • Most people go into their interview and make general statements like, “responsible for handling customer requests”. Avoid using such general statements.
  • Prepare specific examples and talk about in Details, Facts & real accomplishments that you have mentioned in your CV. So when the recruiter asks what you accomplished during an interview, you should be ready to impress!


ACTUAL EXPEREINCE:  We were hiring candidates in Finance Domain and what we have observed that:

  • Candidates had paid around Rs 20,000 – 25,000 for Stock Market or other Certification Courses. When we have asked them various questions related to basics of finance and the few topics related to courses they have done. They were blank. It shows that things were not truly mentioned in their CV. Without wasting time, most of the candidates got rejected at that time by recruiter.
  • Some Candidates have mentioned, influence people, language head in their CVs and utter shocked to receive baseless answers when asked when you have influenced people, where you were language head. Answers of candidates were as follows :
    • One of my friends got rejected in an Interview; he was in tears and lost. I have helped him by saying these interviews doesn’t matter and all. This is something foolish answer by MBA Student. They should clear with the basic difference between consoling and influencing.
    • Another student, said, I was language head in 10th Irony was he can’t speak well.


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3.     Prepare your Introduction



  • First question asked by recruiters is to “INTRODUCE YOURSELF”. Describe yourself with full confidence and your voice should be audible.
  • Many students describe themselves but their voice is so down that recruiter feels that candidate is nervous.
  • Start describing with your name, qualification, from where you put up. Start impressing hiring manager with your real life achievements. Show them how badly you have interest in this profile and want this job.
  • ACTUAL EXPERIENCE: While asked one student to describe himself, he stated his name, one or two skills, and then came up with the Statement “Else it is written in my CV”. Here he had lost his internship. Candidates should prepare properly and in case, they don’t have much to speak than they should focus on their “Achievements or Skills section”. Try to upgrade your knowledge in whichever field you are interested in, talk about your hobbies so that you have content to speak. AND WHEN YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE, AUTOMATICALLY CONFIDENCE WILL COME.
  • Most of the candidates put in Hobbies Section – Love to do Travelling, Content Writing, Writing Blogs etc. Make sure you have samples of your blogs or you should have stories to tell about your travelling experiences. It should not be like – You haven’t travelled anywhere and writing in your CV – ‘LOVE TRAVELLING’.

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4.     Dressing Etiquette





There is a saying that goes “Your shoes tell what kind of person you are, your lip shade shows how brave you can be”.

  • Simplicity is the best Mantra. Keep in mind, you are not going on a date or party or on a holiday, your job interview attire should be formal and subtle. This shows, you have taken the interview quiet seriously.
  • Make sure you are well groomed. Visit to salon to clean your hairs on eyes or the extras over your mustache.
  • Don’t go up like just woke up. Apply moisturizer or cream on your face to look bright and fresh. Avoid heavy makeup, Dark & Glittery nail paints.
  • Now days, youngsters use various bands and piercings that can be of a negative impact. Replace this with a simple watch. It adds on as treat to your attire.
  • Talk to the experts, if you are a first timer and it’s difficult to pick one dress. So you can consult and then shop; it will bring more confidence.
  • Statistics suggests, 60% of recruiters say that clothing& apparel can be deciding factor between two similar candidates.


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5.     Replying to Official Mails



  • If you are selected and the company sent you an offer letter. You should express gratitude for the job opportunity provided.
  • Read the Job letter carefully and if you are convinced that this is the right offer for you, go ahead and tell the hiring manager that you are ready to accept it.
  • In case, you are expecting offers from other companies, it is okay to inform the same to the hiring manager and ask for some time for evaluating the offer.

ACTUAL EXPERIENCE:  During Colleges Internship Fair, it has been observed most of the students agreed during interview to accept this job profile and when the same is being confirmed over mail by sending them offer letter. They are least bothered to even reply.

Therefore, be professional and reply over mail whether you are accepting the offer or not, including with valid reasons.

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Tripti Saini


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  • Your article is very informative thank you 🙂

    Himasainee on
  • Thank you for this much needed help.

    Very well written.

    Supriya Sharma on
  • Very informative article, It is really helpful to MBA fresher’s like me, specially the time when we prepare placements

    Shubham Jagtap on
  • Very informative article, It is really helpful to MBA fresher’s like me, specially the time when we prepare placements

    Shubham Jagtap on

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